Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction

Impotence is a common problem for male adults of 40 years and above. Although erection problems are not serious, it’s important to see your GP or pharmacist if it keeps recurring. At Focal Point Online Pharmacy, we help men suffering from erectile dysfunction in Walthamstow and across the UK.

What causes erection problems?

In most cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, anxiety, fatigue, and excessive use of drugs such as alcohol. As a result, most men occasionally fail to keep an erection.
Often, it is caused by physical health or emotional problems.

Erectile Dysfunction Walthamstow

A couple on a bed


Treatments for some causes of erectile dysfunction

Possible causes and treatment include:
– Narrowing of penis blood vessels, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. You can be given medicines to lower blood pressure and statins to lower cholesterol.
– Hormone problems are treated by hormone replacement methods, for instance, testosterone.
– Side effects of certain medications is solved by changing medicines after consulting either your GP or pharmacist.
Medicine such as vega 50 or vega 100, sildenafil (Viagra) treats erectile dysfunction. Although you don’t need a prescription to access sildenafil, a pharmacist will have a consultation with you to make sure it’s safe.
There are other medicines, for instance, tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil (Spedra) which work in a similar way. However, you need a prescription to get these medicines.

Things you can do to help with erectile problems

To solve erectile dysfunction issues, you must adjust to a healthy lifestyle by checking on the following:
– Eating a healthy balanced diet
Stop smoking
Weight control
– Regular work-out
– Stay positive, helps in reducing stress and anxiety
– Avoid cycling for a while
– Reduce alcohol consumption

Treating erectile dysfunction in Walthamstow

Our pharmacy is not only fully equipped but our clinically trained pharmacist will also help you. We provide not only personalised but also discreet online sexual health clinics that will sort your issues.
Get in touch with us and we will gladly help your love story once again!

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